The initiative, a pioneer for the second consecutive year in the Region, was developed jointly with the Club Grimpola and has had the collaboration of the 13 educational centers of the municipality
Alicia Jiménez, Mayor of Mazarrón and Patricio Sanchez, Councilor for Education and Sports, visited this Tuesday the 6th grade students of CEIP Bahia who participated in one of the practical classes that includes the Project Driza and through which they have passed a total of 700 students from the 13 educational centers of the municipality.
The activity takes place at the Sailing School of Club Grimpola in the facilities of the Club de Regatas de Bahía.
The second edition of the Driza Nautical Program, "Todos a la Mar" comes to an end this May.
It is a program, a pioneer in the Region, developed jointly by the Municipality of Mazarrón and the Grímpola Nautical Activities Club.
Its impact, according to those responsible, has been remarkable, both in Mazarrón and in other coastal towns of the Region that have shown their interest in carrying out similar programs.
Driza aims to bring all schoolchildren in the municipality to water sports, introducing them as a didactic unit more within the physical education agenda, which was successfully achieved last year and this year has been intended to settle as a program that lasts in the time.
The mayor, Alicia Jiménez, praised "the benefits of this activity as it encourages interest in water sports among the younger generations of a tourist and coastal town, thus generating future options for students, as well as enhancing the value of bonanzas of a unique bay in the Mediterranean ".
In this second edition they have attended since the beginning of the program, in March, all the schoolchildren of the municipality of Mazarrón who attend 6th grade of primary and 4th of ESO
The 13 educational centers of the municipality of Mazarrón have participated.
To this end, Grímpola has provided approximately 700 places for the three water sports included in the program (light sailing, kayaking and paddle surfing, as well as sailing and knotwork workshops), sailing being the main educational element.
In addition, a series of theoretical and practical nautical days have been taught in the educational centers, and faculty and technical knowledge about each of the activities to be carried out have been provided to the teaching staff.
This initiative, as reported by Club Grímpola, has been applauded by the educational community of Mazarrón, obtaining a record participation of students, and seeking unanimous support among AMPAs, teachers, students and institutions for its continuity in the following school years.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón