Administration and complementary services officials, who must pass through this control at the entrance and exit of the educational center, accuse of offense in comparison with the teaching staff, which has generated a climate of tension among public employees
Throughout the current academic year, the Personnel of Administration and Complementary Services (PAS-PSEC) of the IES Domingo Valdivieso de Mazarrón has been supporting a strict control of entrances and exits by means of fingerprint signing, which has stirred up the spirits among the employees public, since it is discriminated between the collectives of the workplace, where there is a climate of tension.
This system of hourly control by means of collection and treatment of fingerprints is neither established nor regulated in the autonomic norm in force in matter of work schedule for the Personnel of Administration and Services.
Therefore, its implementation would require the modification of the aforementioned Decree 27/1990, of May 3.
But, in addition, the incidence since the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), in force since May 25, 2018, and the recent Organic Law on Data Protection and digital rights guarantee (LOPDGDD) in the The implemented schedule control system would also affect the fingerprint registration of public employees.
CCOO Enseñanza calls into question that the custody and processing of personal data, such as those recorded by fingerprints of non-teaching public employees of IES Domingo Valdivieso de Mazarrón, is attributed to the director or secretary without legal regulation some that contemplate it when, for reasons of protection of rights and freedoms and guarantee of security, it is normally the Security Forces and Bodies that handle this type of personal data.
From the union we demand that the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports take appropriate measures so that, urgently, the system of signing by fingerprint reading in the IES Domingo Valdivieso de Mazarrón is withdrawn and that, if the term of 20 days this model of transfer is not dismantled, the Trade Union Section of PAS-PSEC will undertake the necessary legal procedures to put an end to this situation both before the Spanish Agency for Data Protection and in the General Directorate of Public Function and Quality of the Services.
Source: CCOO Región de Murcia