José David Gómez, cyclist of the Orquín Sports Group, won the X Vuelta a Murcia Masters in Mazarrón last weekend.
The master cyclist 40 repeated the triumph of last year by adding the best time of the general, whose podium was made up of two other cyclists from the same team: Juan Carlos Fernández and Felipe Peces.
A total of 200 cyclists from 18 teams from different autonomous communities met in Mazarrón to compete in a competition that was divided into three stages.
The mayor, Alicia Jiménez and the general director of Sports, Alonso Gómez, supported in the exit the organization of a test that repeated one more year in Mazarrón, after the good result of previous appointments The zones of interior and coast of the municipality were scene of the competition that once again included the Cedacero and La Cuesta stops located in neighboring municipalities.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón