International Women's Day 2020 - Mazarrón City Council]
As every March 8, the City Council of Mazarrón joins the claim of International Women's Day.
This 2020, the United Nations has chosen as the slogan "I am of the Generation Equality: For the rights of women", in the framework of the celebration of the 25 years of the Beijing Conference, which marked an important turning point for the world agenda of equality between women and men and designed the most progressive roadmap for the empowerment of women and girls worldwide.
Generations of women have fought with courage and determination for freedom.
A freedom that today, thanks to them, is a collective heritage.
This 8M of 2020 will once again be a knock on civic and political consciences.
Those who question women's rights will have a strong response in the streets.
Because discrimination still persists, despite the conquests.
And because there are those who question feminism trying to return us to the past, denying gender violence and sexual violence.
There is no point of return, feminism is unstoppable and has shown that it has a powerful and transversal force.
Women have conquered spaces and rights over which there is no withdrawal option.
We are not going to take a step back.
Not one.
And those who intend to push us back will face us.
The questioning of the consensus that has cost so much to build and that has placed our country among the best democracies in the world, as well as a reference in the fight against the violence suffered by women, is intolerable.
In recent years there have been policies that have contributed decisively to these changes, proof of this is the agreement reached in December 2017, through which, the different Parliamentary Groups, the Autonomous Communities and the Local Entities represented in the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, they ratified the State Pact against Gender Violence, assuming the greatest union of institutions, organizations and experts in the formulation of measures for the eradication of violence against women.
All this together with the feminist movement, working to realize equality between women and men through 11 axes of work that seek to eliminate sexist and patriarchal structures, which are those that are at the bottom of the entire social and political structure of our lives.
There are still many things to do but we must be clear about the path: to advance in equality is to advance in democracy.
Democracy must continue to respond to the problems and obstacles that women have to overcome in order to exercise their freedoms and rights.
From the City Council of Mazarrón we express our commitment to the eradication of gender violence, the end of job insecurity and the wage gap, the defense of women's sexual and reproductive rights and the abolition of prostitution and trafficking in Human beings for sexual exploitation.
We want a joint and participatory society in which women occupy their rightful place, a society that treats women as free and adult people capable of making their own decisions.
This March 8 we took to the streets to celebrate what we have achieved and to claim everything that remains to be done.
From the City Council of Mazarrón we appeal to all citizens, institutions and organizations so that together we move towards a more just and equal society.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón