Support for farmers and ranchers - Mazarrón City Council]
At a time when there is so much talk about the climate challenge, the empty Spain and the necessary vertebration of the rural environment, it is necessary, “more than everâ€, they affirm, to take into account the agricultural sector, because without it it will not be possible to undertake the challenges that society demands.
From ASAJA, COAG and UPA, it is intended that the competent Administrations become aware of the seriousness of the problem and implement true policies to support a strategic sector of our economy, which also contributes essentially to the maintenance of the rural environment and space natural.
The situation is so serious that the Regional Assembly of Murcia requests an urgent and coordinated action by the Administrations and the agri-food chain as a whole and expresses its support for the mobilizations of farmers and ranchers to demand:
Fair prices: farmers and ranchers do not get a fair price for their products that allow them to achieve minimum profitability.
The reason: the imbalance of the agri-food chain, to which we must add the great problem that generates the rise in production costs, which have no capacity to transfer the price of their products.
It is necessary that compensatory measures be adopted in order to cope with the continuous rise in agricultural inputs that affect all the productions.
End the abuse of distribution: despite the fact that the profitability of farmers and ranchers is low, abusive and unfair commercial practices continue to occur that also result in the banalization of our products.
It is urgent to modify the Law of the Food Chain to become more demanding with those who abuse, with greater control of the commercial practices of the large distribution, from the fulfillment of the contracts signed to pursue and avoid the sale at losses, among others many ways.
Prevent unfair competition from third countries: it is necessary to carry out an exhaustive control of imports from third countries to ensure that the same phytosanitary and production requirements are met, that quotas are controlled and fraudulent labeling of products of non-EU origin.
To have water for quality irrigation, in sufficient quantity and at a reasonable price: it is an essential element to guarantee the maintenance of the existing irrigation, so it must be guaranteed in the future, also having to undertake investments and generation of new infrastructures that allow substantiate the water deficit of the Segura Basin and lessen the uncertainties of one of the main economic and employment engines of the Region of Murcia.
For some live villages in the face of depopulation: without farmers and ranchers, not only will there be no food, there will also be no live rural environment with a future.
The disappearance of farmers and ranchers will aggravate the problem of depopulation and will make it more difficult to face the demographic challenge of much of our Region.
For the recognition of the environmental function of the agricultural sector: Agricultural and livestock farms are assuming new limitations and continuous environmental demands in their production processes without these new production costs being compensated by the market or agricultural policies.
We demand a FAIR TRANSITION, supported by agronomic, technical and scientific rigor, that recognizes the environmental contribution of the agricultural sector (fight against desertification and fire, CO2 sink, sustainable agricultural practices ...), compensate for new costs and facilitate environmental, economic and social sustainability that does not expel farmers and ranchers from their activity.
For a fair CAP: we are in full debate to define the Common Agricultural Policy for the coming years and here farmers and ranchers, rural areas and consumers play a lot.
The CAP must have a sufficient budget according to the importance of this policy for the entire EU society.
It must be directed towards the professionals of the field, and address a true regulation of the agri-food market to avoid crises in the agricultural sectors and abuses that affect consumers.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón