The Mazarrón Local Police will intensify surveillance efforts to comply with the state of alarm regulations, both with regard to establishments to which Royal Decree 463/2020 of the Government of Spain does not allow opening , as about those citizens who ignore the obligation of home isolation.
Yesterday, the Local Police had to sanction various individuals who showed repeated behavior of disobedience to the agents, who yesterday carried out an information campaign through the streets of the municipality.
The Local Police carried out this information work to avoid the imposition of fines in the coming days, but they found some cases of disobedience that the officers were ignored and, finally, they had to be fined.
The Government of Spain decreed this past weekend the Alarm State in the country, implementing a series of measures in order to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 contagion.
The main measure has been the restriction of movements of citizens throughout the Spanish territory, who have the obligation to stay at home and not leave except for basic needs during an extendable period of 15 days.
The exceptions to this movement restriction, which must be individual except for those who need help due to disability or reduced mobility, include the acquisition of food, pharmaceuticals and basic necessities;
assistance to health centers, commuting to work or for those who want to return to their places of habitual residence.
Citizens may also leave their homes to provide assistance and care to the elderly, minors, dependents, people with disabilities or especially vulnerable people;
displacement to financial entities;
due to force majeure or need, and to carry out any other activity of an analogous nature, duly justified.
Thus, to carry out the necessary movements to carry out the permitted activities, there will be circulation of private vehicles and it will be possible to refuel at gas stations or service stations, although the Ministry of the Interior may agree to close the circulation of roads or part of them "for reasons public health, traffic safety or fluidity or the restriction in them of the access of certain vehicles for the same reasons. "
To avoid situations such as those that have already occurred in many food establishments, crowds will be avoided and consumers and employees will be controlled to maintain the safety distance of at least one meter in order to avoid possible contagion.
Therefore, please follow the protocols in each of the establishments when you go to buy.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón