Reductions and discounts are contemplated that will be applied until December 31, 2022 to "anticipate the effects of the crisis in the coming years" as indicated by the Councilor of Finance Ginés Campillo The Plenum of the Mazarrón City Council initially approved in its ordinary session in May a modification of several fiscal ordinances to minimize in the municipality the effect of the social and economic crisis that is being experienced due to the health alert caused by the coronavirus.
The proposal went forward unanimously by all political groups and has affected the following municipal regulations: Regulatory Ordinance on Construction, Installations and Works Tax.
A discount of 80% of the quota is established for works carried out by businesses and establishments related to commercial activity, services and tourism. Regulatory Ordinance of Fees for the Private Use or Special Use of the Local Public Domain.
Considering 50% reductions in both the use of land by establishments and shops, as well as fords, the installation of advertisements or stalls in the supply squares of Mazarrón and Puerto; among others. Regulatory Ordinance of the Rate for the Provision of the Domestic Garbage Collection Service.
It contemplates a 50% reduction also for shops and establishments related to commercial activity, services and tourism; as well as an extension of the reduced rate and zero fee for citizens. Regulatory Ordinance of the Fee for Carrying out the Administrative Activity of the Establishment Opening License, this being repealed. Regulatory Ordinance of the Rate for Intervention and Control of Activities By License, Responsible Declaration or Prior Communication.
With discounts of 100% and 50% depending on the type of activity until the end of 2021 and 50% and 25% until December 31, 2022. Regulatory Ordinance of the Rate for the Provision of the Civil Marriage Celebration Service. The deputy mayor of the Treasury, Ginés Campillo, explained that "these modifications are made with an end date of December 31, 2022, anticipating the effects that the current situation may have on our economy over the next few years and anticipating this mode a step in recovery.
" In addition "of this new support to businesses, SMEs and the self-employed, on the one hand, on the other hand some ordinances that were outdated are updated," explained the mayor of the Treasury, who in this regard highlighted aspects such as "the 60% bonus to the vehicles of mechanical traction that are respectful with the Environment, thus promoting their acquisition and use, something that was not previously included ". Ginés Campillo added that "these modifications come to complement the economic measures that the Government Team has been promoting since the start of the State of Alarm and, once again, it has been done by consensus with the opposition spokespersons so that this bet is a matter that we bring forward the entire municipal corporation.
" Now, and after its publication in the BORM, the period for allegations to this initial approval opens "to which we are open, just as we are open to some allegation presented by an advisory to aid to businesses, SMEs and the self-employed and that we are going to estimate because it seems to us a good contribution.
We are open to any contribution whether it comes from a political party, a company or a citizen.
" Likewise, and regarding the payment of fees, an agreement has been reached with the beach bars after a meeting of their owners with the mayor, Gaspar Miras, and Ginés Campillo himself, in which it was determined a bonus of 70% of the annual royalty payment.
This week it is planned that all beach bars will be open to the public.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón