This morning the town of Mazarrón has experienced a historical moment of signing the contract for the drafting of the 'Study of Alternatives for the Start Value and Tourism Use of the boat Phoenician II and the Development and Presentation of the chosen alternative' which act was preceded by a workshop on the Phoenician ships.
Two separate acts have been attended by the Mayor of Mazarrón, Francisco Blaya, Councillor of Culture, Alicia Jimenez and two company representatives PROINTEC SA and Professor of Archaeology at the University of Zaragoza, Manuel Martín-Bueno, also assisted the municipal archaeologist, Maria Martinez Mayor and the Manager of Consorcio Turístico de Mazarrón, Pio Garrido.
The aim of the study commissioned to evaluate the different possibilities for the enhancement of the Phoenician boat Mazarrón II, on the fundamental premise of the conservation of the wreck, taking into account their feasibility from archaeological, technical, economic and environmental.
PROINTEC SA is the company that will undertake this ambitious study within eight months for an amount of 61,182.70 euros.
This company has a multidisciplinary team with specialists from the likes of Manuel Martin-Bueno, who has described this as Phoenician wreck unicum.
The study will include several phases and will include: the preliminary studies, the conclusion, alternatives, synthesis, and the development and presentation of the chosen alternative.
The Phoenician Ship Mazarrón II has focused all day so it has also been a technical meeting, which had been raised earlier studies that have been achieved in terms of shoreline (waves and tides), or climate.
Professor Martin-Well has been reported that Spain is one of the most advanced countries in the protection of underwater cultural heritage and we must adjust the project to the new rules of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) precisely advised to keep the underwater archaeological heritage in situ.
In turn, all members of the commission created advise request classification of cultural interest.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón