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Carlantum again delve into the history of the municipality (19/02/2016)

From 22 to 26 February, at 21:30 pm in the former People's University |

The current headquarters of ICEM, former People's University of Mazarrón (Constitution Avenue, 65) hosts the week from 22 to 26 February the fourteenth edition of the Days of Study Mazarrón "Carlantum" organized by the People's University in collaboration with City Hall.

This new lecture series has been presented today by the Councillor for Culture, Pedro Martinez and the director of the People's University of Mazarrón, José María López.

All presentations will take place at 21:30 hours.

The first one will be on Monday 22 February by Pedro Maria Egea Bruno, entitled "The Franco regime in Mazarrón".

Pedro Maria Egea is a professor at the University of Murcia and is known for other shares in Carlantum.

On Tuesday February 23 Juan Francisco Belmar continue with the conference "Disaster in the mines.

The end of the myth of mining splendor in Mazarrón ".

Belmar will address related accidents occurred in mines and their workers living situation in the pre-decline of mining splendor of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Wednesday February 24 will turn to Manuel Luna, a professor of anthropology at the UCAM and ethnomusicologist.

Moon is known for his studies of folk and rooted in rural traditions will speak on "Heritage and Development.

festive rituals and crews. "

The lecture will close on Thursday, February 25 Sergio Fernández Riquelme with a new historical contribution entitled "A History of the Civil War: conflict and repression in the Republican Murcia".

Finally on Friday, February 26, Carmen Berrocal, Pedro Esteban, Miguel Martinez, Juan Francisco Belmar and Juan Pedro Navarro presented the minutes of the XI Conference Carlantum.

This lecture series was born as an instrument for open spaces for reflection that deal with Mazarrón, in order to be an active part of the future and form an interest in issues related to the municipality, as also recalled the director of the Popular University, José María López.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón

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