Currently, 433 large families residing in the township of Mazarrón.
Of these, 382 are in the general category and 51 special category.
In order to review and improve the administrative proceedings affecting this sector of the population, the mayor, Alicia Jiménez, received in municipal president of the Association of Large Families of the Region of Murcia (FANUMUR), Gonzalo Sanchez.
The meeting has also been attended by the councilors of Social Policy and Finance, Laura Ortiz and Pedro Martinez, and Yasmin Duque, responsible for Administration and Management Partners FANUMUR.
During the meeting it discussed the renewal of the agreement with the Merchants Association and District Mazarrón (ACOMA) and the need to expand to more stores.
Currently 20 affiliated stores offer discounts to large families.
Another new feature is the creation of a Seal Family Holiday to offer it as a tourist pack in the hotels.
It has also expressed a commitment to review the tax credits in municipal taxes and subsidized access to sports schools.
In February 2015, at the request of FANUMUR, the Regional Assembly passed a motion urging the Federation of Municipalities of the Region to improve and standardize aid in all municipalities in Murcia.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón