Thursday September 8, coinciding with the start of the school year 2016-2017, the deadline for registration of Schools and Primary Municipality opens in Programs Prevention and Detection of psychomotor difficulties, developed by the Center Early Child Development and Care (CDIAT) of Mazarrón.
The programs that can host schools are:
Detection Program Lateralidad Crusade.
(Children 5 years)
Screening Program Psychomotor Difficulties: General Dynamics Coordination, Balance and Coordination Visual Motor (Children 3 and 4 years).
Screening Program Bad Habits in Grasping-Pressure on writing useful and suitable Postural habits in the sitting position. (Children 4 and 5 years)
Difficulties Screening Program Attention Hyperactivity Disorder.
(Children 4 and 5 years).
Screening Program-Visual Perceptual Difficulties (Children 5 years)
This year, as in previous years, this program will also extend to Prevention and Care CAI's the municipality.
Early Detection Program Autistic Disorder and other Pervasive Developmental Disorders.
(From 15 to 36 months).
The development of such programs is taken jointly by the CDIAT and CEIP's, kindergartens and CAI's, throughout the entire course.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón