With the aim of contributing knowledge and experiences, providing autonomy and developing activities where youth participation is involved, the Youth Council of the City of Mazarrón develops the program "X Mazarrón Volunteers" which is aimed at young people from 14 to 35 Years of the municipality that, altruistically, want to collaborate in any activity organized by the Youth, Sports and Celebration Councils of the City of Mazarrón.
The 2017 program was presented Thursday by Youth Councilor Patricio Sánchez during an event held at Casas Consistoriales in which the three most participative volunteers were recognized during 2016. Santiago Figueroa, Alicia Medrano and María Medrano have been Awarded with gift checks of 200 euros in total to be exchanged in establishments of the municipality.
Young people wishing to join the program must submit a photo ID, a photocopy of a DNI and a form that they can request at the Oficina del InformaJoven located at the Municipal Sports Pavilion or at juventud@mazarron.es
Source: Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón