Little more than two months remain before the arrival of the festivities of Mazarrón, therefore, the Department of the City of Mazarron Fiestas and has called the 'IV Poster Contest for the Feast of the Immaculate 2010'.
The Mazarron and Mazarron and can begin designing their posters and in this contest is open to all residents in the town of Mazarrón.
Also, the number of posters to be submitted by each author shall not exceed two.
The works submitted could not have been awarded in previous competitions.
The contestant must be an author and owner.
The posters should include the following: 'MAZARRÓN - PURÃSIMA FAIRS - 2 to December 8, 2010. "
The technique and the colors to use are free and should be the basic theme of the poster (pictures, landscapes, characters, motives or actions representative of the municipality).
The format of the poster should be on the rigid frame, no moldings and vertical.
The exterior size should be 50x70 cm., Being useful stain 48x68 cm.
They will not appear neither the name nor the author's signature and must be entered on the back the title of the work.
That title or slogan will appear in a sealed envelope, inside which contain the name, address and telephone number of author.
Entries must be submitted properly packaged and in perfect condition.
The deadline for submission of artwork is November 2, 2010 at 14:00.
The posters may be submitted in time from 12.00 to 14.00 pm in the City of Mazarrón in the Department of Party, located on the ground floor.
Establishing a single prize of 400 euros to be delivered during the public session of poster presentation chosen media.
The jury will meet and issue a ruling on November 8, 2010, reported later to all participants.
The jury's decisions are final and may declare the contest when, in the opinion of the jury, not correctly reflect the theme and quality.
In this case the City of Mazarrón reserves the right to decide what the poster of the 2010 Festivities.
Posters submitted will be displayed on the website of the City of Mazarrón.
People living in Mazarrón may assess the posters presented using a rating scale of 1 to 5, five more like posters.
This voting system 'on line' can be made from 3 to 6 November 2010 at 14.00 hours and will have a count of 30% of the total.
These scores will be sent to the email
The posters submitted and not selected will be available from the authors on 10 December 2010 and shall be removed or donated to the Department of Events for other publications.
If you would like more information, please contact the Department of Mazarron Fiestas del Ayuntamiento, Plaza del Ayuntamiento, n ° 8, 30870, Mazarrón (Murcia), or telephone 968 590 012 in extension 184.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón