Portal de Mazarron


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detail of Mazarron


The mayor signed a new development project for the municipality (25/11/2010)

The mayor of Mazarrón, Francisco Blaya, has signed a contract to realize the design of the works of 'Private Street Canalejas, windlass, Santa Teresa, San Miguel, Zaragoza, Zurbano, Austria, and Montera Librilla in Mazarrón. "

With these works, people will experience significantly improved the streets that connect with four great centers of the municipality as the mill, The Hermitage, the mining area and the windlass, for works that address the priority needs of citizens.

Both Canalejas Street as a stretch of Calle Santa Teresa will be redeveloped in practically all renewing the drinking water, sanitation, lighting and sidewalks and road paving.

In other streets like San Miguel, Zaragoza, Zurbano, Austria, Librilla or Montera, action will be limited to resurfacing and renewal of drinking water network in areas that have more problems today.

The deadline for execution of works, whose company is awarded 'Enrique Ortiz e Hijos SA' is 6 months, still planned to start early this year.

The works are included in the Plan of Cooperation Works and Municipal Services in your annuity 2010.

The amount of this action is of 323,467.64 euros (VAT included) of which 250,716.00 under the Directorate General of Local Government of the Autonomous Community of Murcia and Mazarron 72,751.64 to the City Council.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón

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