Emergency Service and Civil Protection Municipal de Mazarrón (SEM), reveals the statistics of its Command and Control Terminal of 1-1-2 in the municipality for the year 2010, a total of 7,646 emergency calls made from the municipality or in relation to this.
With an average of more than 500 calls a month, the most important is the 3,741 calls made to 1-1-2 demanding health services, along with 2,797 requesting Forces of State Security (Local Police and Guardia Civil, mainly).
Terminal Command and Control of Mazarrón 1-1-2 takes 11 years in operation, from which all emergencies are handled at the municipal level, which are received through the 1-1-2 emergency phone unique real-time coordinating the council's own local resources (Local Police, Emergency Municipal Service and Municipal Services).
Likewise also manage internal communications Emergency Units, Civil Protection and Local Police and call the attention of both services.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón