People's University of Mazarrón, in order to promote and encourage creativity among Mazarron, has called the 'XXI edition of the Competitions and Awards Mazarrón Day to Day "that includes creative ways of Poetry, Story, Writing, Photography, Comics and Drawing and Painting.
The deadline for submission of original, open to all citizens, ending on 1 April.
As data is important to note that school work will be collected during the week of 14 to 25 April.
The event, which each year than their participation rates over a thousand papers presented, is organized by the Culture Department of the City of Mazarrón.
In these competitions there are several categories and may participate in the same children, youth and adults.
Persons wishing to obtain further information, apply at the Universidad Popular de Mazarrón, located at Constitution Avenue No. 65, or on the phone 968 591 766.
1 - The competition is open to everyone residing in the municipality, or linked in some way to Mazarrón.
2 - Each participant will choose a maximum of three works on offer.
In all cases the works must be original and not awarded in other contests.
Schoolchildren presented a work by each mode.
3 - The works will be submitted or transmitted to the Universidad Popular de Mazarrón directly from participating in the Adult category.
For other categories of stakeholders should preferably have their work in schools for primary and that in any case, interested parties can submit their creations, directly or by sending the following address:
Avenida Constitución, 65
30870 - Mazarrón - (Murcia)
5 - The students of schools must make sure to enter in a conspicuous and print clearly your personal data: name, phone, course and school to which they belong.
6 - The work in the adult category will be signed with a pseudonym and be accompanied by a sealed envelope.
On the outside of the envelope should include the title or titles of works submitted for the contest and inside personal data: name, address, city, age, telephone number, and relationship with the municipality (if not de Mazarrón).
The papers presented to the Modalities of Poetry and Short Story in the adult category, must be typewritten, in foil on one side and two spaces.
For the category of Poetry provides a minimum of 14 lines and a maximum of 50.
It is also deemed a minimum of 5 pages for Short Story category.
The images presented to the photo mode may be in Black and White or Color.
Being admitted to any form of analogue or digital reproduction and use of montage and computer graphics for editing images.
For the category of Adult must be submitted photographs mounted on black construction paper 40 x 50 mm, was attached to the same CD or DVD with digital files in the case of digital images.
The junior class will present the images on CD, properly identifying data (name, address, telephone and school).
9 - COMIC.
Theme, free design and technical.
The format of the work has to be minimum and maximum A3 A5.
The work must be submitted labeled, paginated and with a minimum length of two pages on one side.
The theme and the technique will be free, and the format of the work and materials used in their implementation.
11 - The award ceremony will take place on April 8, 2011 in the presence of the winners.
Failure to attend the ceremony by the winner or someone on your behalf will be understood as a waiver for the award.
12 - There is only one prize of 200 euros for the categories of adults and 50 euros for the remaining school supplies.
Also referred to a prize of 300 € for the center to register a higher rate of participation in this call.
13 - The winning works will be in possession of the People's University, which reserves the rights to their appropriate use and dissemination, quoting the eutor.
The rest of the work will be returned upon their request, until May 31, 2011.
14 - The jury's decision is final.
The jury may leave the awards deserts, in his view, do not meet enough quality
15 - General will be an exhibition with a selection of papers presented at this event in the Exhibition Hall of the People's University will remain open from 8 to April 15, 2011.
16 - The issues not covered in these Rules shall be resolved by the Organization in response to more favorable approach to them.
Participation in this competition implies acceptance of these Terms.
Categories: A) to 4 of primary school.
B) 5 and 6 Primary
C) 1 º and 2 º ESO
D) 3 rd and 4 th of ESO
E) Adults. (FREE ITEM)
Categories: A) to 2 ° of primary school.
B) 3 rd and 4 th Primary.
C) 5 and 6 Primary
D) 1 º and 2 º ESO
E) 3 rd and 4 th of ESO
F) Adult. (FREE ITEM)
EDITORIAL (Only for students):
Categories: A) to 4 of primary school.
B) 5 and 6 Primary.
C) 1 º and 2 º ESO
Categories: A) to 6 of primary school.
B) to 4 of ESO.
C) Adults.
Categories: A) to 6 of primary school.
B) Up to 4 º ESO
Categories: A) Children.
B) 1 st and 2 nd Primary.
C) 3 rd and 4 th Primary.
D) 5 and 6 Primary.
E) 1 ° and 2 ° ESO
F) Adult.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón