This morning has been presented in the "Space Murcia Caixa" of Murcia city international conference programming "and Almazarrón Felipe II (1572). The local construction of a global empire" to be held at the House of Culture of Mazarrón 22 to 24 November.
The presentation has been made by the Mayor of Mazarrón, Ginés Campillo, the director of Institutional Banking of Murcia and Alicante from "La Caixa", Arturo Llopis, the coordinator of the Campus Mare Nostrum, Pascual Perez and scientific director of the congress and professor at the University of Murcia, José Javier Ruiz.
The Mayor has shelled the presentations and activities that comprise the international congress.
Ginés Campillo explained that "in the course of six sessions will present eight papers and forty-five papers, which have been selected by a Scientific Committee which has prestigious Spanish historians from universities such as Murcia, Seville and Valencia, as well as various universities in France, Italy, Chile, Mexico and Portugal, who will travel to Mazarrón ".
The inaugural "Run Worlds and have eyes for them. Culture and Globalization under Philip II 'will pronounce Fernando Bouza Alvarez, Complutense University of Madrid. Mazarrón will also starred in several papers and communications among which that of Marcos Alberto Martin of the University of Valladolid, which deals with the granting of villazgo, or Andújar Francisco Castillo, University of Almeria, on the alums. The finishing touch will Professor Bernard Vincent, one of the leading historians and greater recognition of the twentieth century
The Director of Banking Institutions of Murcia and Alicante from "La Caixa", Arturo Llopis, has been proud "of being participants and promote this cultural initiative being organized in a very professional manner. Thing to do also feel proud to Mazarron in having an event like this. "
For its part, the coordinator of the Campus Mare Nostrum, Pascual Perez, stressed that "the Campus Mare Nostrum is a project you want to add, and this initiative in which we participate is a clear example of that."
The scientific director of the conference and professor at the University of Murcia, José Javier Ruiz, explained that this conference, which already has around a hundred entries, will offer a fresh perspective and unknown to the society of the time since shall be ordinary people who by then moved the empire. "Thus, conference attendees will understand the uniqueness of the history of Mazarrón. Entries can be made until the 16th November, may consult requirements at the following address Attendees will get the same certificate, and may obtain free credits.
The Mayor, Ginés Campillo, has greatly appreciated the collaboration and involvement of agencies who organize and work with this Congress "with which will round out the celebration of the 440 anniversary of the granting of the privilege of Villa".
This congress will undoubtedly point to celebrate "other initiatives of this type and which suffered Mazarrón. Giving it a new sample of our work and effort to extol our identity as a people and promote our city abroad from the views of cultural, educational and tourism ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón