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15 IES students @ s "Philip II" participating in an exchange program in the Netherlands (07/02/2013)

On Sunday, February 3, 15 students in the bilingual program of 2 ° and 3 ° of ESO's Secondary School "Philip II" de Mazarrón traveled to the city of Wassenaar (Netherlands) to participate in the activities under the program Exchange of this year and will last until February 7.

The students traveled accompanied by the coordinator of the Bilingual Section, Diego Lopez, and the head of the English department of that center, Antonio Alcaraz.

The students left early Sunday Mazarrón towards Alicante, where they took a direct flight to Rotterdam it took about two hours and a half trip to get there.

In the aforementioned airport were greeted by Dutch families who will welcome into their homes to students in Mazarrón during these days in the Netherlands.

The exchange program began with a welcome ceremony and presentation of the institutions participating in the project.

Each of them had the opportunity to project a short video presentation about each school, and also on the town to which they belong.

The protagonists of the video, which can be viewed on the web www.iesfelipesegundo.es are the students participating in the exchange who recount English history and characteristics of the IES "Philip II" as well as the benefits of Mazarron.

To prepare the video, the students have enjoyed the cooperation of the Department of Plastic purpose of directing and editing.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón

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