As is tradition on Ash Wednesday, the church of San Jose de Puerto de Mazarrón hosted the presentation poster Easter coastal town this year.
This event was attended by the Deputy Mayor for Urban Development, Francisco Garcia, the council of Celebration and Services, Isidro Coy and Juan Miguel Munoz, the parish priest of San Jose, Justo José Sánchez, the president of the Council of Brotherhoods of Puerto de Mazarrón Francisco Martinez, his counterpart in Mazarrón, Cecilia Morales, as well as representatives of the various guilds that integrate both councils and Puerto de Mazarrón.
The poster presentation was given by the president of the Brotherhood of San Juan, Jose de la Cruz Sanchez, who is this year the group organizes events of Holy Week of Puerto de Mazarrón.
Sanchez explained that "the poster shows the brotherhood of San Juan parading on the night of Holy Thursday. Photograph and poster making, which emphasizes the image of the saint, have been made by Teresa Maria Lopez Acosta who has invested heavily time and a lot of love in it. "
The president of that brotherhood which also unveiled asked to deliver the opening speech of this year, which as usual will be held on Good Friday, is the Mayor of Mazarrón, Ginés Campillo.
Sanchez explained that "we think of it because of their direct relationship with Easter and welcome Township accepted our proposal. Cosa thank you."
It also revealed the name of the Nazarene of the Year this year will be Raja Fernando Sanchez, better known as "The Dollar."
The parish priest of San Jose was in charge of closing this act.
Justo José Sánchez said that "with the presentation of this poster has been announced a few weeks left for Easter. Specifically a Lent" and asked those present to "do the serious purpose of drawing on all the days of Lent, so that when you get the live Easter with Fe, which is where it must be lived. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón