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The eleventh edition of "Carlantum" begins today with the exhibition "Argenta" (15/02/2013)

From February 18 to March 1 Mazarrón People's University (UPM) hosts the XI edition of the conference "Carlantum".

Once again, Mazarrón History will be the centerpiece of this meeting that starts tonight from 22 pm with the opening of the exhibition "Argenta" in the auditorium of the UPM located on Constitution Avenue .

The presentation has been made by the Mayor of Mazarrón, Ginés Campillo, and the director of that agency under the Department of Culture, José María López.

As explained Lopez "these days are a tool that lets you create spaces for reflection related to our people. With them we have, and we will, prompting a growing interest in relation to business."

Papers will be inaugurated by Carmen Berrocal on Monday February 18 to talk about the "late Roman amphora production in Mazarrón".

On Wednesday 20 will be the turn of Pedro Esteban with the talk "The old art of theater in the Sierra Minera."

On Friday 22, the presentation will focus on "From hunters to farmers: ten thousand years of prehistory of Mazarrón" by Miguel Martinez.

On February 25, Juan Francisco Belmar will speak on "Migratory movements of the twentieth century.'s First major exile Mazarrón (1936-1939)", and on February 27 it's the turn of the Art Voice Juan Pedro Navarro with the paper "Religious art in Mazarrón. Comparative study of religious architecture."

The conference will close on Friday, March 1 with the presentation of the minutes of the various talks as done from seven years ago.

All presentations will take place from 21:30 pm in the auditorium of the VHS.

The Mayor of Mazarrón, Ginés Campillo, has encouraged citizens to attend this conference to "personally are quite to my liking because they help us to understand the history of Mazarrón through a comprehensive program. And if you do not know the history of our little town will sell it. "

So, calling for participation, defined the meeting as "a success over the VHS, whose activities are very popular and will continue to support and promote."

For his part, Director of UPM has invited all citizens to the opening of "Argenta".

This exhibition, which will be open until Friday, March 15, is a tribute to the twentieth century photographers who have worked in Mazarrón, Francisco Garcia from Fabert Jorquera, and consists of two hundred old photographs of Mazarrón.

Lopez wanted to thank the work of García Jorquera, who provided the photographic material and collaborations with Antonio Rico and Antonio Paredes.

For the opening is accompanied by a catalog that will be presented during the event.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón

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