Portal de Mazarron


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The CHS study the construction of two dams against floods in the wadis of Mazarrón (21/02/2013)

The President of the Hydrographic Confederation of Segura (CHS), Miguel Ángel Ródenas, visited the town of Mazarrón to study hydrological correction works that can be done to counter the impact of floods.

Two of the most important works that are being considered would be those of dams in the gullies of mulberry trees and the Reventón, while projects are now only a phase of study.

CHS President was accompanied by the Mayor of Mazarrón, Ginés Campillo, and the president of the irrigation community, Jose Hernandez.

The latter could benefit besides the construction of reservoirs, since the water collected after the avenues could be used to irrigate their fields, relieving the shortage of water resources in the area.

For now, however, the priority is to assess how they can cope with storms such as those that plagued last September Segura Basin, implying not only aerial surveys or reports and save river other technicians, who has already made the Confederacy, but also field visits to discuss with the affected what action to take.

Source: CHS

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