Portal de Mazarron


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detail of Mazarron


The autonomous transfers two regional road sections the council (28/02/2013)

The Mayor of Mazarrón, Ginés Campillo, traveled yesterday to the Highways Agency of the Ministry of Public Works and Planning in Murcia to sign the minutes of transfer of two sections of two roads that have evolved from regional ownership to ownership municipal.

Accompanied Heritage Councilman Andres Valera, Ginés Campillo signed the minutes by the Director of Roads, José Antonio Guijarro.

The first road has been transferred T-regional road 332-1.

This road starts at the intersection east of the variant of the RM-332, Puerto de Mazarrón, better known as the rotunda of the Phoenician ships, and ends at the intersection west of this road at the roundabout known as Alamillo.

Transferred Span length is 3064 meters.

The second of the transferred sections belonging to the RM-D6 road, has been the one between the promenade of mulberry trees and the aforementioned T-332-1.

The section starts transferred on the left bank of the wadi of mulberry trees and ends at the intersection with the crossing of Puerto de Mazarrón of the old N-332.

Said frame has a length of 3847 meters.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón

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