On Tuesday October 22 Development Institute (INFO) of the Region of Murcia held at the Centro Cultural de Mazarrón, Business Day 'Alternative financing for entrepreneurs and SMEs: Cheque Inforeactiva and ICT'.
The day will begin at 19:30 pm and for the same, it will release the 'Cheque ICT', an initiative of INFO in collaboration with the Directorate General of Heritage, Information Technology and Telecommunications and the Directorate General for Budget and Funds European Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, which has as main objective to increase the number of innovative companies in the region.
The 'Cheque ICT' is a funding mechanism that, together with other elements perhaps little known and different from more traditional bank financial instruments, to finance in very interesting projects and business entrepreneurs.
Among its aims include facilitating SME access to ICT services provided by accredited providers, foster the acquisition of skills and the creation of links between SMEs and ICT service providers, hiring financially support such services and to contribute to tissue growth regional firms ICT service providers.
This initiative can benefit any SME which has its headquarters or production in the Region of Murcia.
In the 'Cheque ICT' involved the INFO, the company requesting the service and the company providing the same, being subsidized cats from improved internal processes in the company with implementation and customization tools to the company, especially low cost or free and Training company staff in any of the tools in this process.
These are the 'Tools ERP "(Enterprise Resource Planning) to interconnect the purchasing and sales company with inventory management, accounting, production and service operations and logistics and distribution.
The 'Tools CRM "(Customer Relationship Management) that allow both customer management and analysis of business opportunities from the information managed.
The 'Tools BPM' (Business Process Management) to allow optimal management of standard operating procedures.
Also contemplated in the process ICT service charges for e-business implementation and customization as a tool company, especially low-cost or free training including company personnel, such as adapting the website company to provide it with e-commerce functionality (sales, reservations, inventory queries, electronic billing, etc..), exploiting the possibilities of promotion through Social Networks (creating corporate accounts and specific training in handling at least , LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter), and development of specific applications for tablets and smartphones for making sales, reservations, inventory queries, etc.., and its interconnection with the internal information system of the company
The Department of Employment, Training and Local Development begs Mazarrón Town Hall, entrepreneurs and citizens who are interested in this initiative, confirm their attendance at the conference by phone 968 33 93 22 or via email by sending an email to adl @ mazarron.es.
You can also confirm your attendance and request more information about this conference, at the offices of the Department in the second silver sitas Hall of Mazarrón.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón