The City of Mazarrón has earned the seal of 'Entity Strategy Entrepreneurship and Youth Employment 2013-2016' awarded by the Ministry of Employment and Social Security, thanks to the work of the Department of Employment, Training and Local Development.
The councilor responsible for the area, Matilde Blázquez, explained that "the granting of this label implies adherence to the session sponsored by the Central Government to reduce the rate of youth unemployment in our country, either through the employment strategy employed or through self-employment and entrepreneurship. "
This strategy revolves around four action lines.
The first is to improve the employability of young people, increasing the chances that young people find jobs.
Second, increase the quality and stability of youth employment, improving the employment situation of young people who are in a hiring mode unwanted.
Also the promotion of equal opportunities, facilitating the integration of young people into the labor market and, fourthly, encourage entrepreneurship, promote training among youth and to encourage personnel policies and collective entrepreneurship.
As explained Blázquez "Youth unemployment is a structural problem that has increased during the economic crisis.
It also has a great impact, as it limits the potential growth of the Spanish economy in the long term and aggravates the present and future situation of Spanish youth. "
The unemployment rate for young people aged between 16 and 24 years in Mazarrón is 10.3% in the last quarter of 2013, well below the set in Spain in 63.1%.
The mayor noted that "this difference is mainly due to structural policies carried out in our town are being effective."
In this sense Blázquez stressed "the important role that has involved 'Di.Cual' project, which will continue to make, signing agreements with the SEF or outreach program not working between practices township enterprises" and added that "all other actions as the implementation of the Municipal Centre for Employment Initiatives (CIME) or the business incubator of the 'Cresta del Gallo' to inaugurate in the coming days add up."
The Mayor of Mazarrón, Ginés Campillo, stressed that "this initiative is based on a strategic plan and is holding the ministry of Employment and Social Security, and includes actions as motivate young people to this workplace from the centers of education, training and preforming, educating youth for the labor world, management jobs aimed at this group or hiring by the City youth through the system of labor practices. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón