On Friday April 24, and as an activity to celebrate World Book Day, the Department of Spanish Language and Literature IES Antonio Hellin organize a reading marathon shall read, uninterrupted, "One Hundred Years of Solitude" of Colombian Gabriel García Márquez.
To do this, its leaders need a large number of volunteers.
These hours will be from 09: 00h to 23: 59h.
15 will be arranged in slots in which six people read, requiring therefore a total of 90 voices to ensure event.
The entire community is invited to this challenge.
Those interested can register -indicating the horaria- availability on the phone 968595800, in counseling institute, Monday through Friday from 9: 00h to 14: 00h and 30012771@murciaeduca.es in the mail with the subject "marathon literary "Regional center staff also invited to attend as audience to those who enjoy reading.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón