"For judgment I came into this world, that they which see not might see, and those who see may become blind."
This was the passage from the Gospel of John chosen by the Deputy Mayor for Culture, Ginés Campillo, to begin his proclamation with which Easter Mazarrón opened this year.
Since then, it emerged that the mayoral candidate by the Independent Union of Mazarrón (UIDM) would speak to the heart and it was.
For a moving speech, Campillo remembered as Easter forged within him since childhood and, especially, his love for the brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre linked to how he and his family were found.
In this sense, the mayor of Culture named many of his friends and brothers whose work and efforts "have allowed the brotherhood follow still alive these days".
Starting with his grandfather Julian, who saved the throne of the Holy Sepulchre to hide during the Civil War in the haystack of El Caño Molino lest they destroy, up to three fellow three other guilds Mazarrón for which had also words of recognition for his work "sometimes led us to endless discussions, and other enriching our material heritage, but mostly immaterial. And what is more important, to contribute from the perspective cofrade propagate and bring everyone Fe ".
Precisely faith was another axis on which turned the proclamation of Ginés Campillo because for him mayor "simply procesionar, to take the saints into the street, and contributes to the bearers, Nazarenes, manolas, and any those involved in one way or another, live days surrounding the Fe and strengthen their Christian beliefs. That legacy that we have been passed from father to son, from grandparents to grandchildren, is precisely the responsibility that we now take for us . That great responsibility to pass our faith to our children is precisely what we do, too, to work for our fraternities ".
In fact, his speech ended on that line transmission of faith and tradition to future generations as to name their family highlighted two people, Salvador recently deceased father and his daughter Mary.
In this sense, the first said that "it was the best example in my life and I hope you have been proud of me, despite my mistakes" while wished that "all that my father has taught me feel I can to pass it on to my daughter. sure who appreciate what we are trying to convey through families. Living from the faith and in the belief that only this faith will save us from the superficial, the days in which we live. My father marked me as a person and I hope my daughter leave the same footprint ".
During the ceremony also recognized as 'Nazareno of the Year' Bartolomé Muñoz, a fisherman in the family of the 'Jaloque' that for much of his life has been linked to the Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre is the organized acts Easter this year.
Indeed, one of the awards went to the president of the Brotherhood, Magdalena Campillo, who received from the preacher the gold badge of his group for his work as head of the organization of these events and coordinate the various brotherhoods that compose .
The evening was enlivened by the flamenco singer Antonio Francisco Garcia, better known as 'The child Caves', who sang with great skill several arrows and was accompanied on guitar by his son Antonio and the violin of his daughter Mary, who also played with deep feeling several religious songs of this type.
Among them, he highlighted the woman dedicated to Veronica and carry this throne, since in Mazarrón this 'step' is shouldered by women only.
It was also a night when the priest of the parish of San Andrés Apostol and San Antonio de Padua, Julio Romero, blessed a new throne of the brotherhood of San Juan to the Virgin of Mercy who procession on the night of Friday.
Source: UIDM