Given the latest news and rumors we want to clarify that;
We can Mazarrón is no municipal elections, or grouping of electors or with instrumental party or coalition of parties, because they could have any doubt or confusion in Mazarron want to clarify that no person of the municipality can say that submitted on behalf of Can Mazarrón, we only support those candidates grouping of voters driven members can and meet our ethical code, this has not been the case in Mazarrón which has not been able to make such a grouping so if any person presented in some match-ups will do so in his own name, can never representing Mazarrón.
We also want to clarify that the only legal and legal representation can Mazarrón sustains José Luis Palacios proclaimed Secretary General can Mazarrón on January 2, 2015, no other person is authorized to discuss the decisions, strategies and policies can Mazarrón, as just himself and persons designated by him may make public statements about the actions of the political party can Mazarrón.
We want to communicate that yes we will be campaigning in regional elections supporting the most voted candidate in the recent primaries where he was chosen as a candidate for President of the Region of Murcia Oscar Urralburu so we encourage all supporters and registered for we to participate in the preparation of electoral program and volunteer, to do can be reached at or in and post where you can get all the information.
Source: Podemos Mazarrón