This morning, the Councillor for Tourism, Alicia Jiménez, presented the guide 'Mazarrón: Essence of the Mediterranean' to both citizens and visitors can see the tourist information regarding services is concerned.
The event also featured the manager of 'information guides: ECA', Enrique Castillo, who has assured that it is a pleasure to work for the municipality of Mazarrón, as the City Council and the Tourist Office facilitated the work considerably.
Telephone numbers, tourist information, restaurants, hotels, cafes, and a long list of recommended establishments in which both citizens and visitors can obtain information about products and services they want the municipality.
Mazarrón City Council has published a total of 2,000 copies, which will be available to citizens and visitors to the Tourist Office, located in Coopers Square, and tourist information points to the beaches of Castellar and Rihuete, equipped with the 'Q for Quality. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón