People traveling by train throughout the month of December can be displayed on the cover and inside the magazine 'Landscapes from the train "two images of the municipality.
The cover of the magazine under the title 'Murcia between waters', is home to a beautiful snapshot of Mazarron Juan Sanchez Calventus photographer who captures with his camera one of the coves that make up the 10 miles of unspoiled coastline of Mazarron.
Calventus Sánchez, passionate about photography, is the founder of the largest gathering of Spanish photographers (Fotogenio) meeting in its latest edition to more than 4,000 participants.
'Landscapes from the train' holds inside two pages with a picture of the old mines of Mazarrón, which are nowadays a dreamscape offering readers a unique chrome waste.
This promotion of tourism on the town of Mazarrón also provides an overview of the attractions of other parts of the Region of Murcia.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón